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Class 302

Class 303



11/27/12 Verb Tenses

Students will be able to identify the simple verb tenses.


TP- Students will be able to identify verbs.

A verb is the word that tells what someone or something is doing.

1. Catch a verb!

2. Whack a Verb!

3. Show Me

Lastly, identify the verb in each sentence.

  1. The boy ran to school.
  2. Her dog eats canned food.
  3. I love pasta!
  4. We are learning about verbs.

10/23/12 Plural Nouns

TP- Students will be able to write the plural form of nouns.

  1. FIRST
  3. THIRD
  4. If you have time, you can play a typing game...  http://www.freetypinggame.net/play.asp


Common and Proper Nouns
TP- Students will differentiate and give examples of common and proper nouns.

Common nouns are people, place, things in general.
Proper nouns are particular people, places, or things.  


2. Google Images
Search and save an image of proper nouns for the following common nouns:

place (city, park, stadium)
city / New York City 

thing (car, toy, book)
car / Volkswagen

person (actor, athlete, famous person)
musician / Jay-Z  


TP- Students will be able to identify different types of sentences.

There are 4 types of sentences.
1) statement
2) question
3) command
4) exclamation

A statement is tells something.

A question asks something.

A command tells someone what to do.

An exclamation shows strong feeling.

Turn & Talk:
What kind of sentence is this?

  • Where is your jacket?
  • I love that song!
  • Don't touch my things.
  • My birthday is in March.


Write an example of one of the types of sentences.


Subjects & Predicates

TP- Students will be able to identify the subject and predicate.

Remember a sentence has TWO parts: subject + predicate.
The subject is WHO the sentence is talking about.
The predicate is what the subject DOES in the sentence.

Identify the subject & predicate in these sentences with a partner:
1. The monster chased the children.
2. Eli Manning's brother threw the football to the receiver.
3. Many cars are black.
4. The sun shines brightly in the morning.



Hello third graders!

Today we learned about sentences.
Sentence have two parts: the subject & the predicate.

Take a short quiz to see how much you learned today!